Welcome and thank you for taking the time to visit this blog and get to know us and what we are attempting to accomplish. I say attempting because I really do not know where we will end up when this is all over. But we do have a goal or direction set out and so we begin our journey.

This life of meaninglessness appears busy, active, and productive but upon closer scrutiny the fruit of this life is weight gain, loss of peace, and loss of true happiness. Spending day after day accomplishing nothing of any real meaning and being exhaustd doing it.
I'll start by telling you a little about my husband and me and how we arrived at this adventure. My husband, Leonard, recently turned 39 years old. He has aways been quite active hunting and fishing, construction and restoring vehicles. My name is Trina and I am 36 years old. I to have always been active raising 4 children as well as hunting, fishing, and camping.
However something unusual began to happen about 6 years ago. Lif
e began to....change. Outdoor activities all but ceased to exist. No more hunting and scouting. No more treks into the lake for a day of fishing. No more camping trips to Mt Hood or Central Oregon. As these activities disappeared new "things" replaced them. We are both as busy as ever but somehow we seem to be busy doing nothing......
With this decrease in outdoor life also came a decrease in healthy eating habits. We are now so busy that seldom do we sit down for a homecooked meal but rather do the proverbial fast food. As a consequence to this complacency we have both gained about 35 pounds. Our muscles ache at the end of the day (and if I am really honest they ache before I evn get out of bed in the morning!)
We also began to notice that with this decrease of physical life that our spiritual life began to transform from a hightened sense of all that was good in Gods creation to a focus on all that is wrong with mans current plight. I say all of this to say somewhere, somehow we became disengaged from discovering a deep relationship with God and fell into a trap of Satan's: The trap of meaninglessness.

This life of meaninglessness appears busy, active, and productive but upon closer scrutiny the fruit of this life is weight gain, loss of peace, and loss of true happiness. Spending day after day accomplishing nothing of any real meaning and being exhaustd doing it.
Once we realized we were locked in this trap we decided that we had to break out of it. That is where this vision of discovery was born in us. We have been studying Romans and how the attributes of God can be seen in His creation. So......to get back our physical and spiritual health we decided to study the attributes of God in His creation by venturing into the wilderness and documenting what we find and ultimately documenting what can be known about the God we serve.
So we ask you to travel with us over the next 8 months as we train our bodies (don't forget people we have gotten fat in the last 6 years.) and minds for this experience. We will document our excercising and weight loss, we need you as accountability partners. In order to accomplish this trek we need to be in top condition so we can carry our packs as well as breath at different altitudes. We will also be training our prayer life so it to will be stronger and bring glory to God.
We pray that you will join with us in prayer and exercise, to draw closer to God and look for His workmanship in this world.
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