Well I thought it might be helpful for those who may be unfamiliar with the PCT to have a visual map to reference to. As you can see the entire trail is over 2,600 miles and runs from Mexico to Canada. Not something I can attempt any time soon but perhaps in the future I will accomplish this. For the purpose of our mission we will be concentrating on the Oregon portion of this trail.

We intend to travel from North to South which is not the typical route taken. Every one has a different idea of how to approach things and we are no different. Really we are choosing a North to South direction purly because North is closer to Portland which is where we will be coming from. So we will begin in the Columbia River Gorge area and move toward Mt. Hood.
I am really excited about the potential to see wildlife and yet a bit apprehensive at the same time. I am trying to study up on how to handle bear and mountain lion encounters. While I would love to catch a glimpse of these spectacular animals I do not wish to 'play' with them or be a chew toy for them either.

One precaution we are planning to take is to not cook in our sleeping areas. This should eliminate any smell of food which will attract all kinds of animals. We will stop and cook our meals and then continue on for an hour or two longer so that we ar well away from any smell of cooked foods.
This reminds me of a time when we where camping with some dear friends of ours and c
ooking around the camp fire. A well meaning park ranger, who I would describe as "Barney" from the Andy Griffith show (with an added 100lbs or so) came along to give us words of advice regarding the local wildlife. He was insistant that we keep our food locked up out of reach of potential pest. And in his own words he exclaimed " These here raccoons have claws that will slice through your tent like butter!" I was rolling. Of all the potential harm one could face in the Cascade Range we were to concern our selves with the ferocious raccoons of the west.

I've never really been camping...except in Ireland but that wasn't really the wilderness. I think you are brave and I've heard nasty stories about raccoons so you should probably take Barney's advice. :)
I remember that day camping very well!! You just can't put a price on memories like that. Good times! We still talk about that you know. Love ya! Mary
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